Have you heard of EWG. It is a wonderful way to get reviews on the toxicity levels in the products that you use.
I saw this article recently on the reasons for childhood cancer

The summary of this article is that childhood cancers is related to exposure to chemicals such as pesticides, benzene and arsenic. EWG has found that not only are these substances widespread in a child’s living environment, they can also be passed on from mother to child during pregnancy and through breastfeeding (Despite this, the health benefits of breastfeeding greatly exceed the risk of chemical exposure.) These prenatal and early life exposures occur during the most vulnerable period of a child’s development.
This is one of the main reasons I like Young Living products – because they are so clean and chemical free.
This is what drew me to YL when I was pregnant with my first child in 2013. I can sleep at night knowing that I have done everything I can to provide a chemical free home for my family.
Please research the products that you use in your home. In our home, we have changed all the products to make sure that they are chemical free.