
The big debate about Sunscreen

Sunscreen used to scare me more than the sun. After our family history of health issues and my hubs cancer history, if it is inedible, I refuse to put it on our skin….

Sunburnt But sun burn is real. For this brown skinned mama who just gets tanned and not burnt, I did not care that much about how much sun screen I applied. But my kiddos… fair skinned through and through. I can’t even say that they were exchanged at the hospital because they were born at home, never left my sight and plus they look like Asad. 😆

Then came the excruciating research of figuring out what sunscreen to buy. Hey, If I can research something as simple as what crib to buy that does not off gas, I am going to research what toxic chemicals are present in a sunscreen. For instance, I also used to think that higher the SPF, the better the sun protection. I was so wrong….Check this article out by EWG. Hawaii is going to ban certain sunscreens as they are destroying the coral reefs. Sunscreens are that toxic. Go Hawaii!!!!!

Because I am a DIY kind of person, I started making my own. But at the back of my mind, I always used to wonder – whether this will actually work, how often to apply it, how much protection will it give us??? And it did for most part. I also used to apply as frequently as every hour. Plus it was greasy. And because I prefer non toxic to toxic, I would rather put up with the imperfect parts of it as long as it works.

FINALLY Young Living started making sunscreens last year.  AnayaSunscreen
I bet a million bucks that it is no surprise to you that I LOVE this mineral based sunscreen so much. I love that it has no chemicals, it is water resistant, no nano particles that your skin will absorb and contains essential oils. AND it works…Can it get better than that???

I had a few concerns about the Young Living sunscreen only having an SPF of 10 whether it would provide adequate protection against skin damage. My favorite Pharmacist Lindsey Elmore  debunked that concern. Quoting her”Let’s first talk through what SPF even is. SPF stands for sun protection factor.  It is a measure of how well an agent blocks UVB rays (the kind that cause skin cancer).  When not wearing sunscreen, your skin will naturally change color and incur a certain amount of damage in one hour. If you are wearing an SPF of 2 you will incur that same amount of damage in 2 hours that you would have incurred in one hour without any SPF. An SPF of 10 will get you 10 hours, SPF 30 will get you 30 hours, etc.

Here’s the thing, SPF is not linear (i.e. you don’t get 10 times more protection going from SPF 1 to 10 or 10 to 100).  When you apply SPF 10, you are blocking approximately 90% of UVB rays. SPF 15, approximately 93%; SPF 30, approximately 97%; and SPF 50, 98%.  So applying an SPF of 30 only gives you 7% more protection than SPF 10.

Also worth considering: if you do not plan on spending more than 10 hours in the sun, you may not need the 30 hours of protection than an SPF 30 may offer. In fact, when is the last time you saw 30 hours of daylight?

Bottom line, lower SPFs, applied more often, may offer similar sun protection as higher SPFs.”

A few safety precautions

  1. Apply at least 15 min prior to going out in the sun – As learnt from our sun fiasco in the car. I didn’t think to apply sunscreen to the kiddo before getting in the car. I wanted to apply it right as soon as we got there.
  2. Re-apply every 80min – 2 hours especially if you are swimming.I can sleep well at night knowing that this sunscreen is FREE of harsh cancer causing chemicals, parabens, phalates, petrochemicals, animal-derived ingredients, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes. And you can relax too knowing that your kids AND you are taken care of without having to compromise on quality.

    Want your own Young Living sunscreen? Contact me and I can help you get it at a discounted price? Or go to Young and chose member – get your starter kit and add sunscreen before checking out.

    Or buy it as a retail customer at full price

Beach1 Beach2



I have a hard time relaxing. Not something I am proud of but I have a tendency to keep going and going…. And since yesterday, my body said “enough is enough, I am done, I am not moving” probably because of all the stress. So, I gave in and decided to do nothing all day today even though I was kind of forced into it. It has been a long long time since I last fell sick. In a weird way, I am grateful as I got to stay in bed, take a luxurious bath and meditate. And the view is not bad either 😉
What do you do to take breaks in your life?


Abundance is on my mind and I wanted to share a few things that I do to stay in alignment with attracting wealth and abundance…because no matter where we are in life, we could all use ‘more money’ right!!!

Because we are all vibrational beings, being in alignment with wealth is very important.

So, what can you do to be in ‘Alignment’?

 Meditate and Visualize – It is pretty much my solution for everything… . Money is just energy and there is plenty of it available to all of us. There is no one pie in the sky..

Oils – We have a gold mine in the form of ABUNDANCE essential oil. It has been formulated specifically to attract abundance in your life. Applications in the comment section.

Use RELEASE Essential Oil before applying abundance to release any old patterns that are stopping you Release from attracting abundance.

 Work through your ‘Mind Sh.t’ – Mind is so powerful. Watch what beliefs you are actively carrying – “I don’t have enough” ” I will never be able to make that kind of money”. Those beliefs will hold you back in attracting abundance. Some of it steeps from deep old patterns.

Have Gratitude for your current situation and Clean out your Money center / Carrier center in your home. When you appreciate what you have, you will get more. The law of attraction. More in the comments.

 Keep records of where you spend and trim the fat. $5 tea latte 5 days a week = $100 a month. I am going to leave it at that.

Initiation By Fire card

Leap and The Net Will Appear

Sometimes it feels like I just have to jump off the cliff and something will show up that will make my path clear. Boy, it is scary though. This year, I feel like I have jumped off so many cliffs and the path is yet to become fully clear. But it also feels like there is no other choice and you just have to do it, right!!!! Somehow it feels as though if I show my courage and light, it will allow others to #shinetheirlight.
This card is “Initiation By Fire” – and even though it is scary, it feels just right!!!! Try it, you all. Take the next step towards your dream with courage – ” Leap And The Net Will Appear”